Notice of club lounge breakfast
Breakfast service at the Club Lounge will resume on March 18 (Sat).
Guests who have made reservations for Club Floor on or after March 1(Wed) will be served breakfast only at the Club Lounge.
・Breakfast 7:00-10:30 Japanese and Western breakfast menus are available.
・Tea time 15:00-17:00 Enjoy an elegant afternoon with a coffee/tea and sweets.
・Cocktail time 18:00-20:00 A variety of beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be available.
【Notice of Revision of Hotel Service Charge】
Effective April 1, 2023 (Saturday), the service charge will be changed as follows;
●Service charge will be changed from 10% to 15%.
●Commencement Date From Saturday, April 1, 2023